Signs and Symptoms That Indicate You Have Diabetes

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Diabetes is a chronic medical condition that has gained popularity among millions of people. It elevates the blood sugar levels in the blood due to insufficient glucose production or failure to use the glucose. Glucose is regulated by insulin hormones that are produced in the pancreas. It

Diabetes is a chronic medical condition that has gained popularity among millions of people. It elevates the blood sugar levels in the blood due to insufficient glucose production or failure to use the glucose. Glucose is regulated by insulin hormones that are produced in the pancreas. It becomes a serious health issue if not treated. Here are the common signs that indicate a person has diabetes shared by Best Diabetologist in Chennai, at Magna Centre.


1. Frequent Urination: It is also known as Polyuria, and is the most common sign of diabetes. It occurs due to increased blood sugar levels and affects the renal threshold. The kidney filters more blood to eliminate the excess sugar, leading to more and more frequent urine production. 


2. Increased Thirst: It is also known as Polydipsia, and is the most vital sign of diabetes where the body needs to drink fluids intensively and persistently. High sugar levels in the blood cause more frequent urination, leading to dehydration. The body demands more fluid intake to compensate for the loss. Increased thirst is easily noticeable as a person intakes more fluids than normal. 


3. Unexplained Weight Loss: People experiencing unexplained weight loss are one of the signs of diabetes. Increasing sugar levels in the blood disrupt the metabolic rate and cause unexpected weight loss. Weight loss signs are mostly seen in Type I diabetes where the body is unable to use glucose due to insulin deficiency. It results in the breakdown of fats and muscle for energy, leading to weight loss. 


4. Excessive Hunger: It is also known as Polyphagia, and is the most prominent symptom of diabetes. It happens when the body is not able to produce sufficient insulin or no insulin. As per the best endocrinologist in Chennai at Magna Centre, ‘Type I diabetes produces insufficient glucose, a primary source of energy. Glucose that remains in the blood and cannot enter into the cell, leading to starvation and excessive hunger.’


5. Fatigue: Fatigue refers to extreme tiredness and is another sign of diabetes. People face fatigue even when taking sufficient rest. It happens due to insufficient insulin production. Insulin is a hormone that produces a large amount of glucose in the blood. If the insulin is insufficient, then it causes low glucose levels which remain in the blood and do not enter into the cell. The inability of tiredness of glucose by the cells leads to persistent tiredness.


Signs of diabetes and high sugar must not be ignored. Learn more about the treatment options with the Best diabetologist in Chennai at Magna Centre.

